Join us at our 2024 Fall Conference



The Benefits of Membership

Nominate yourself or fellow member for a seat on the NCETA Executive Board! Complete this form.


Why NCETA Membership Matters to You

With budget cuts and changes in the conference, you may ask why spend $25?  The answer is simple.  We all like to exchange ideas and to validate our work by networking with our colleagues across the state. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to network with others both in the state and beyond the state who share your passion for language and teaching. No one knows what being an ELA teacher means unless that person has spent time in the role.

You will receive newsletters, grant opportunities, opportunities for your students to compete in three prestigious writing competitions, opportunities to participate in the recognition of outstanding teachers, student teachers, and published North Carolina writers.

In The World is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman describes the move from the Information Age to the Age of Talent, an age when everyone has information and the challenge is to demonstrate how we can use our talents to add value to our career field. Friedman goes on to say that workers will no longer expect to have a job for a lifetime; they will expected to learn and add value to their place of employment for a lifetime. The NCETA provides learning and leadership opportunities that afford you the opportunity to grow through collaboration with others and to showcase your leadership by serving in board positions. NCETA wants to be your bridge into the new age of English education.

Is this organization just for secondary and higher education English teachers?  Certainly not. NCETA is the organization for that middle school teacher who is asking how to manage a moodle and promote reading comprehension.  NCETA is the organization for that elementary school teacher who shares the responsibilities for literacy education in the 21st century.

Now more than ever, we are in the web and on the web together. The time has come for all of us to work more closely together to prepare students for an increasing competitive future that requires deeper learning. 

Consider the membership fee an investment.  You will certainly get more than your money's worth. 

Why NCETA Membership Matters to Others

NCETA sponsors a series of student writing competitions and recognizes numerous professional achievements, including Outstanding English Teacher, Outstanding Student Teacher, and Ragan-Rubin Award for North Caroliina writers.  NCETA supports grants for action research.  These services depend on membership support.


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